Trademark is an intellectual property and recorded as an intangible asset in books of account. It distinguishes your business from others.
Trademark can be owned by an individual, any legal entity or by a business organisation. It can be used on any label, packing or the product itself.
Trademark identifies the owner of a product or service and it can be given to others under licencing agreement.
Trademark is not limited to a name, symbol, image, logo or a combination of all or any of these elements. It extends to a tagline, colour mark or a sound mark.
Normally two types of symbols are associated with a trademark, ™ (the trademark symbol) and ® (the registered trademark symbol). Former can be used once the trademark is applied for and later one can be used only when someone owns it i.e. registration is received by the applicant and applicant is now the owner of the trademark.
Once the trademark is registered, it gives you the right to sue against others who try to copy your trademark. Further, it prevents others from using a similar trademark to the one registered by you.
Benefits of trademark
a. Identity of your product, brand value
b. Intellectual property or intangible asset – can be sold off or licenced out
c. Distinguish your product from others
d. stay ahead of the competition.
Process of registration of Trademark
a. Select trademark
b. select the class under which trademark to be registered
c. FIle application of trademark
d. Trademark objection and opposition of same
e. registration of Trademark if successfully oppose the registration.
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