
Digital Signature

Original price was: ₹2,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,499.00.

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A Digital Signature is a physical signature in an electronic format. Digital Signature Certificate is a digital equivalent of a handwritten signature which has an extra data attached electronically to any message or a document. Digital Signatures are used in India for online transactions such as Income Tax E-Filing, Company or LLP Incorporation, Filing Annual Return, E-Tenders, etc.

Digital Signatures come in the form of a USB E-Token, wherein the Digital Signature Certificate is stored on a USB Drive and can be accessed through a computer to sign documents electronically. Digital signatures are easily transportable, cannot be imitated by someone else, and can be automatically time-stamped.

Types of Digital Signatures

  1. CLASS I DIGITAL SIGNATURE:  issued to individuals/private subscribers, for private purpose
  2. CLASS II DIGITAL SIGNATURE: issued for business / personal use – used in income tax, annual filings, company incorporation
  3. CLASS III DIGITAL SIGNATURE: issued to business/ personal use – used for e-tendering

The application for the Digital Signature required the following documents:

For Indian Nationals

  1. PAN card
  2. Aadhar card
  3. Passport size photograph
  4. Email address (unique)
  5. Phone number(unique)

For Foreigners

  1. Passport
  2. Driving Licence
  3. Visa of applicant
  4. Passport size photograph
  5. Email address (unique)
  6. Phone number (unique)


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  • Class 3 DSC with Signing
  • Token